This website will be updated in the future with a page for each topic. But for now, you can view the lecture PDFs using the dropdown menu below.
1 - Introduction to Rigid Body Motion 2 - Planar Coordinates and Rotations 3 - Planar Transformations 4 - Lie Group and Homogeneous Coordinates 5 - Introduction to Velocity 6 - Angular Velocity and Twists 7 - Vectors - Velocity Overview 8 - Exponential Representation of Rotations 9 - Exponential Representation of Motion 10 - Midterm Review 11 - Introduction to Manipulators and Manipulator Kinematics 12 - Forward Kinematics 13 - Inverse Kinematics 1 14 - Inverse Kinematics 2 15 - Manipulator Jacobian 1 16 - Manipulator Jacobian 2 17 - Jacobians and Singularity Analysis 18 - Trajectory Design 1 19 - Trajectory Design 2 20 - Trajectory Design 3 21 - Trajectory Design 4 22 - Wrenches and Forces 23 - Introduction to Control 24 - Control for Locomotion 25 - Final Review